Rules for a life well lived

17 rules for a life well lived:

1. Make decisions from a place of abundance, not scarcity.

Your best ideas are ahead of you, not behind you.

2. Avoid the quick and easy paths.

Shortcuts are always longer roads in disguise.

3. Don't be fooled by your own achievements.

The moment you begin to lean on what you historically achieved, the potential for future achievements goes down.

4. Aim to master the process, not celebrate the rewards or outcomes.

The only timeless reward is loving what you do, and improving at what you do, every single day.

"By the time you can afford it, the car ain't important." —Nas

5. Honor the beginning, middle, and end of all relationships.

Your best friend today might not be your best friend tomorrow.

Your mentor, teacher, guru, might not be who you need to learn from in the next chapter.

6. Build the life that's right for you.

Different people value different things in life.

Define your own purpose.

7. Don't stress the final result. Just embrace the adventure.

There are no positive or negative outcomes.

Only lessons—some exciting, some painful, but lessons all the same.

8. Live within your financial means.

The short-term enjoyment of "more things" doesn't outweigh the stress you inherit when you try to live a life you can't afford (yet).

9. Never take for granted a genuine connection.

True friends are hard to find.

Honest conversations are rare.

Moments of vulnerability are special.

Soak these up.

10. Be selfish and selfless.

Give to yourself, first.

So that you can give more to others.

And when you give, don't expect to "get" anything in return.

Enjoy the joy of being in a position to give selflessly in the first place.

11. Who you are is more important than what you do.

Your career doesn't define you.

Your job title is irrelevant.

The measure of a person is who they are holistically, in all areas of their life.

12. Do not hinder your own growth to preserve someone else's faulty foundation.

You are not responsible for their development (or lack thereof).

13. Don't judge success by the day or week. Examine it over the course of a year or decade.

Growth is rarely spotted on a day-to-day basis.

It's like watching your hair grow.

Instead, monitor your trajectory over longer time horizons.

14. Spend more time working on the "inner you" than the "outer you."

Confidence isn't your posture, clothes, watch, or car.

Beauty isn't the way you do your hair.

Everyone can see who you truly are, deep down.

So spend more time working on that version of yourself.

15. Deprive yourself of what you want, to give yourself what you need.

16. Always speak the truth.

As my grandma used to say, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

17. Play the long game.

Slow and steady consistency is the most powerful driver of growth.

Inspired by : Nicolas Cole


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